Les escaliers de Montmartre
To schody w Montmatre. Paryz ma kilka dolin i najslawsza jest bez watpliwosci Butte Montmartre. Zeby dojsc do Sacré Coeur trzeba czesto isc schodami.
Nazwa Montmartre pochodzi z "Mont des Martyrs". Gora Meczennikow. Na poczatku srednowieczu, ludzie ktorzy dostali kare smierci byli zabici w tym miejscu. Z tego powodu Montmartre byl nazywane w ten sposob.
Milej Niedzieli!
Voilà les escaliers de Montmartre. Paris aquelques collines et la plus célèbre reste sans aucun doute la Butte Montmartre. Afin d'atteindre le Sacré Coeur, il faut souvent prendre des eescaliers. Le nom de Montmartre vient de "mont des Martyrs" car c'est sur cette colline que les condamnés à mort étaient exécutés au début du Moyen-Âge.
Je vous souhaite un bon dimanche!
Here are the stairs of montmartre. Paris has got some hills whose most famous is without any doubt the "Butte Montmartre". To reach the Sacré Coeur, you often have to use such stairs. The name of Montmartre comes from "Mont des Martyrs" so Martyres Mount because it's on this place that in the early Middle Age people who received a death sentence were executed.
I wish you a nice Sunday!
Libellés : Marcher à Paris
2 commentaires:
Hi Elsa, thanks for the good luck wishes on our blog on Friday - we're all absolutely ecstatic at the result, as you can imagine!
So glad to have found your blog; I don't understand the text, of course (may I ask what language it is?), but look forward to seeing more of your pictures of my beloved Paris. :)
That's Polish actually. But that's true that beside my Polish-speaking friends noone can read all what I say... I may then write in French and/ or English.
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